Cheers, laughter and flashlights on the red carpet: the appearance of German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel herself and provincial superior Sr. Rosa Fischer were greeted by the young people who had come to the nunnery of St. Joseph at Neumarkt/Oberpfalz on December 29th, 2014.
As appropriate for the occasion, namely introducing the topic ‘Stars XXL’, Sr. Sara had adopted the role of the German chancellor, because only genuine stars had been invited to celebrate New Year’s Eve at Neumarkt: 120 young people aged 14 to 25 and sisters, priests and companions from France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Ukraine and, of course, Germany.
After the meetings at Nitra (Slovakia) and Oberbronn (France) the European Youth Meeting, which is prepared by the sisters of all the three congregations who call Mother Alfons Maria their foundress, took place at Neumarkt/Oberpfalz (Germany) this time.
The opening evening offered the opportunity to get to know each other. Each participant got an autograph card with a photo on it. The task was to find that celebrity among all the participants and to briefly interview them. Further games and songs helped to break the ice and the day ended with a procession through the courtyard, which was illuminated by torches, up to the church for evening prayer.
‘Who do I regard as a star? Why? Which qualities do I expect in a star?’ – those were the questions which the young people asked themselves on December 30, before they explored the sights and culture of the town of Neumarkt in the afternoon or went tobogganing in the thick snow on the meadow behind the nunnery.
The early evening was dedicated to the topic of the meeting again in four sections with a special review of the year. Which people or which events had been my personal highlights in the year past, for which I want to say thanks to God? Which traces had the past year – even at difficult times – left on me? The fourth section invited everybody to put everything in the hands of God, to let old things be washed away and to really have a fresh start in the New Year.
New Year’s Eve was focused on ‘stars in daily life’. There are lots of people who are not in the limelight at all, but who are stars nevertheless in their way to cope with difficulties in their lives.
Several people with special needs had been invited: three in wheelchairs and a blind woman, who was accompanied by her dog Nora, told us about their daily life.
At various stations the young people could try out for themselves, how hard daily life could be. There was, for example, a trail for wheelchairs in the cloisters, and you could try to do fretwork with just one hand. Some practiced talking to guests in groups. A group of Hungarians and Germans visited the old people’s home of St. Alfons and met the elderly sisters there, who also have to live with the various limitations old age brings about.
In the afternoon everybody got the message ‘No matter how you are, God loves you’, together with a story and time for personal reflection. The young people could then decorate mirror tiles with a star and the message. Finally Mass at the end of the year was begun at a campfire and ended with a blessing for the New Year. In the morning the celebrations continued.
On New Year’s Day a power point presentation turned our gaze on Jesus Christ – the ultimate ‘Superstar XXL’.
In a much acclaimed pantomime French young people and sisters showed us, how Mother Alfons Maria (a true ‘anti-star’) had followed Christ and thus had become a role model for many people. Since Mother Alfons Maria many sisters and many other people have made her ideals of kindness, goodness of heart, her fight for more justice, peace and liberty their own in their lives. In the gym of St. Mary the young people could learn about them with the help of sport and games.
Where is my place today? Which aims and ideals do I have? Those were the thoughts with which we entered the New Year. We could also experience what helps us in life: our common faith, which knew no limits of language and culture at the youth meeting of 2014/2015 at Neumarkt. The meeting ended with the final mass on January 2.
Sr. Sara Thiel