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100 years – Sisters of Niederbronn at Goessweinstein (Germany)

A great number of guests followed the invitation to the Jubilee Mass in the Basilica

Together with the Sisters at Goessweinstein, Sr. Rosa Fischer from Nuremberg, the superior of the province, and quite a number of sisters who had formerly spent time at the nunnery of Goessweinstein, the Holy Trinity Parish and many guests celebrated this jubilee..


It was April 19, 1917, when the nunnery was opened. Franz Weidinger, who had been born at Goessweinstein and was an imperial magistrate, had got to know the Sisters from Niederbronn in Alsace. He wanted to have ‘those sisters’ in his home town too. After his death a small hospital, a school and a holiday home for the sisters were established in his villa at Goessweinstein.


Father Flavian celebrated the festive mass together with the Franciscan Fathers Aurelian, David, Igor and January. The choir and the orchestra of the basilica, conducted by Georg Schaeffner, performed the ‘Missa Brevis in D-Major’ by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. At the centre of the celebration, however, was giving thanks to God for His protection in often difficult times.


In 1932 the nuns and their institutions had left former Villa Loreto. After the demolition of the villa, the erection of a new building and several measures of refurbishment the outpatient clinic had been moved to Ebermannstadt. As early as 1964 the kindergarten ‘Am Kreuzberg’ had found a new location under the leadership of one of the sisters until August 2006.

Today sisters and other guests enjoy a holiday at House Loreto or take part in meetings or spiritual exercises there.


Unfortunately the buffet which had been planned to be in the open in front of the basilica after Mass had to move indoors due to bad weather conditions. Lots of memories of bygone days were exchanged by the numerous guests and the sisters.


In the afternoon Vespers ended the festive day.