The work of the general chapter continues intensively.
We are happy that there is no more excessive heat.
Various topics are dealt with, examined, discussed thoroughly in small groups.
Texts are prepared for votes. During the last days of the chapter there will be vote on key issues.
The general chapter is the supreme body of the congregation for taking important decisions and it has also to examine and update the statutes – we call them „Rule of life“ .
The Orientations worked out as impetus for all sisters are edited, translated and are waiting as well for the examination and final approval of the capitulars.
They will be presented to all sisters of the congregation at a later stage.
The chapter of election also continues at the time announced.
On Wednesday, the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is certain, who will be the members of the team (general assistants) with the superior general, Sr. Monika Heuser (Germany):
Sr. Chantal Parmentier (France)
Sr. Monika Klinger (Germany),
Sr. Margita Tuŝanová (Slovakia)
are re-elected for another 6 years.
Sr. Lissy George (India)
Sr. Floriana Ndamonaonhenda (Angola)
receive a first mandate as general assistants.
Sr. Chantal Parmentier is elected as the first assistant.
Sr. Marlene Heck (Germany) receives another mandate for 6 years as general financial administrator of the congregation and
Sr. Christiane Gitter (France) another mandate for 6 years as general secretary.
We wish all of them the blessings of God, grace and strength for the responsible tasks in the administration of our congregation, particularly the newly elected who will move from another continent to Oberbronn for several years and will get acquainted with the new field of activity.
They are welcomed with songs in various languages and congratulated by all with personal wishes, they are assured also support in prayer.