The days of common work, of the happy and prayerful times together are coming quickly to an end.
The final touches are put to the formulation of the texts that will be voted on and adopted by the chapter.
What the general chapter through group work in various forms, personal exchange, plenary-discussions, personal and common prayer recognized, formulated and decided for the life of the whole congregation for the coming six years will be communicated to all sisters at a given time.
This doesn’t happen very fast as everything requires the finishing touch in the language of the respective country.
The results of the ballots were passed on to all communities by the provincial- and delegation superiors immediately.
Towards the end of the chapter we thank very much our extern-moderator, Sr. Ingrid, for her competent and efficient guidance of the work while there was no lack of humor and easiness that we were happy about.
The general chapter 2018 will be concluded on Saturday, 18th August - officially and solemnly as it was opened.
Morning prayer and Eucharistic celebration in the Resurrection-chapel with singing and music in all languages as always during these days.
Then follow various words of thanks and concluding speech by the superior general Sr. Monika Heuser in the chapter-hall with the subsequent sending out of the capitulars. All of them will return to the place of their community and mission which are just as diverse as the chapter.
We have deeper understood the meaning of the theme of the chapter in its various dimensions: Trusting in God, we dare to live more and more as Sisters of the Divine Saviour!
Finally, all gather for a common time of prayer in the “Oratorium Mother Alphonse Maria” before the reliquary of our foundress.
Saying farewell is tempestuous, cordial, often sensitive or characterized by personal accents. The suitcases are packed and stowed – cars and vans with those waving inside and outside leave the general motherhouse.
The sisters from the Southern countries are staying here until the great day, the 9th September, when many of the European sisters will be coming again to Alsace, to attend the Beatification of our foundress, Mother Alphonse Maria in the cathedral of Strasbourg.
What this can mean for us, was one of the themes we dealt with during the general chapter.
Give thanks to the Lord, praise his name!