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The first weekend of the chapter

This week was all about charism. What is charism? How can we understand it in the context of our religious community? How can we revitalise our charism...? Sr Anneliese Herzig MSsR gave us a variety of interesting tips on this.

We continued our journey in a joint discernment process: through listening together, personal reflection, sharing in small groups and in plenary and, above all, by listening with our hearts. In this way, we get to know each other better and seek together what God wants from us and for us in this time and stage of our congregation's journey.

The intensive work sessions took place in a spiritual atmosphere. The organisation of the liturgy brings the international character of the congregation to life. Listening to familiar and unfamiliar songs in different languages, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of musical instruments, brings the image of a universal church of life.

The quieter Sunday afternoon gave us good time, after a busy first week of the General Chapter allowed us to recharge our batteries for the next intensive days of work.

We are embarking on a new adventure and seeking to discover where the Holy Spirit wants to lead us.