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The Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour celebrates its 175th foundation day. Our foundress Blessed Mother Alphonse Mary Eppinger, founded it in 1849, prompted by the Holy Spirit and in deep union with God's will, in response to the needs of the Poor. She drew on the mystery of the salvation and passed on this legacy to many generations of sisters who wanted to live this charism as a response for their time as well.

The solemn Holy Mass took place on 18th August 2024 in the parish church of St. Martin in Niederbronn. The main celebrant was the Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, Mgr. Christan Kratz. Several priests who are known to the Sisters of the Divine Saviour concelebrated. The local parish priest, Abbé Jung, welcomed everyone at the beginning. Canon Dehan, in charge of consecrated persons in the Archdiocese of Strasbourg, who presided over the election of the Superior General at the General Chapter a few days before the celebration, was also present. The newly elected Superior General, Sr. Margita Tušanová gave the welcoming address. She welcomed all the sisters of the Congregation of Niederbronn as well as the Guest of Honor

- The general Council of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer of Würzburg, headed by their Superior General, Sr. Monika Edinger (Germany),

- the general Council of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer of Eisenstadt/Sopron with their Superior General, Sr. Johanna Vogl (Austria)

and other representatives of the city of Niederbronn, representatives of the Institutions of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour in Germany and France, lay members and co-workers.

In his homily, Bishop Kratz also addressed the sisters with these words: Yes, we can embrace the future with hope! To make this possible, we must embrace hope today! This is what we want to continue to live together in mission. To embrace the future with hope, yes, of course, so that we can embrace a future of hope! Happy birthday, my sisters, "and give thanks without ceasing for all things to God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The celebration continued at the General mother House in Oberbronn with festive refreshments and an informal programme full of the joys of meeting many sisters from communities near and far, friends and well-wishers of the Congregation.