What image would you like to include on your postcard?

- All our concern should be directed to attaining, through exterior silence, an interior peace and calm.

- Doesn’t God have the right to test our loyalty and our patience? Isn’t it of great value to us sometimes?

- Genuine prayer comes from the heart. They are the sentiments and desires of a heart, that raises to God.

- God especially loves simplicity.

- God finds his pleasure in a peace-loving heart.

- God often gives us the opposite of what we desire.

- Let us allow ourselves to be led by the hand of God, without fear and without impatience.

- May the thought of heaven give you courage.

- Meet with love and kindness all persons who are entrusted to your care; consider that God uses you as his instruments among men.

- Nothing wil1 ever be lacking to a soul that has p1aced her whole confidence in God; she will a1ways obtain what is necessary for her.

- Nothing wil1 ever be lacking to a soul that has p1aced her whole confidence in God.

- One can say that meekness is God's favourite virtue.

- Place all your confidence in the divine mercy, and alone in the merits of Jesus Christ, our Divine Saviour.

- Place all your confidence in the divine mercy.

- Take courage! God is with you.

- That all your thoughts, all your desires, all your emotions, all your love be for him alone; that he alone might be the sole object of your love!

- The Lord is with you, and from time to time he will let you feel his presence.

- To see God, to contemplate God, never to depart from him.

- Whatever God does is always to our best interests.

- Where humility reigns, there is peace and the grace of God.